With six regular players absent (four active and two idle) from the tournament Saturday night, Substitute players Jason H, Jeff O, Pat M. and Phil J. rounded out the field to 17 players. The night got off to an ominous start with the first flop at the bronze table being 6-6-6. Shortly after Jason H. rolled over a pocket 6 to quad up on the first hand, the power went out. However a few minutes later it was restored and after a brief delay the tournament resumed.
Nick G. was the first player eliminated after taking a huge hit to his stack early on. Left with less than a quarter of his starting chips, Nick moved in after hitting a queen (top pair) on the flop however Jeff O. called and hit his opened ended straight draw on the river. Nick was done for the night without even pulling a pot. Keith K. was next after raising to 6,500 in early position and then getting re-raised by “Buffalo” Bill to 15,000 preflop. Keith raised an additional 21,000 and Bill shoved. Keith called and turned over pocket jacks. Bill rolled over kings which held up and sent Keith home. Kevin An’s chip stack was on a roller coaster in the early stages of the tournament and was down to about 20,000 chips until he doubled-up (and eliminated) Pat M. in 15th place. Jeff R. was out 14th after his pocket queen’s were crippled by Eric Wej’s A-K which eventually made a flush. A few hands later, Jeff moved in with Jh-4h and was called by “Buffalo” Bill’s A-J o/s. Bill hit his ace and sent Jeff packing.
Anita was bounced in 13th place after she called Eric Wej’s 11,500 chip raise as did Jason H. The flop came out 2-3-5. Eric checked the board and Anita made a 35,000 chip bet. Jason H. then moved all-in. Eric got out of the way and Anita tanked for a minute before calling and turning over pocket aces. Jason showed A-4 for the wheel straight which held up through the turn and river. Jeff O. was the next player to fall in 12th place when he pushed his short stack in after hitting top pair (queens) on a flop that brought 2 diamonds. John M. called and rolled over the nut diamond flush draw. John filled his flush on the turn and scooped Jeff’s chips. Jason H. was the next player to hit the rails in 11th place when his flopped set of 5’s was bettered by Kevin’s flopped set of 9’s. Substitute player Phil J. was eliminated next when he called Kevin’s preflop raise holding a wired pair of 10’s. The flop brought a board of 2-8-A. Kevin made a pot size bet and Phil moved in. Kevin called and turned over pocket queens. The turn and river cards brought no help for Phil who was out in 10th place.
The final table formed and included chip leader Kevin An., Angie S., Eric Wej., “Buffalo” Bill B., Jason Tr., Jim H., Jim S., John M. and Mike T. Mike was the first casualty of the final 9 when he moved his less-than-half stack all-in in early position. Jason Tr. also moved all-in for an additional 165,000 on top. The action folded around back to Mike who flipped over A-J. Jason showed pocket queens. Jason led on the J-5-5 flop. The turn was no help to Mike but Jason made a full house when a queen fell on the river. Eric Wej. was eliminated in 8th place when he moved his micro stack in with A-10. Kevin called with J-9 and made a straight on the river. Angie followed Eric after moving all-in with Ah-8h and being called by chip leader Kevin’s 5d-6d. The flop missed both players however Kevin hit a 5 on the turn which proved to be the winner. Jim S. was out in 6th after being crippled to 4,000 chips by “Buffalo” Bill a few hands earlier. Jim was eliminated when his Q-5 was defeated by Jim H’s K-10 which hit a 10 on the ensuing board. John M. was out in 5th on the bubble after going out like Broomcorn’s Uncle. On a short stack, John made a raise to 30,000 chips. Jason Tr. re-raised him all-in. John called and showed pocket 9’s. Jason turned over pocket 10’s which held up.
Kevin maintained the chip lead by a wide margin when the table started 4 handed play. “Buffalo” Bill, Jim H. and Jason Tr. all had comparable stacks with the blinds at 15,000-30,000 and a 5,000 ante. Jason Tr. was eliminated in in 4th place when his preflop all-in was instantly called by “Buffalo” Bill. Bill showed pocket 7’s and Jason turned over K-Q. The board brought no match or help for Jason who managed to cash for the second consecutive time this season. Jim H. was out in 3rd when he was eliminated in a three-way pot holding A-9. Kevin paired his king and scooped a large pot. Jim also cashed in his second consecutive event this season.
Head’s-up play started with Kevin maintaining a large chip lead, however “Buffalo” Bill managed to wrestle it away over the course of several hands. On the final hand, Kevin limped with 7s-4s and Bill checked holding Ks-5s. Both players flopped flush draws on the Qs-Ac-10s board. Bill moved in and Kevin tanked for a few moments before calling. The turn was the Qd, pairing the board but keeping Bill in the lead. Kevin was down to a 4 or 7 on the river. The 6c came instead and gave “Buffalo” Bill his first win in nearly 19 months.
Congrats to Bill on his victory and to securing a seat in this season's championship!

Complete results can be viewed at www.wedgerock.com/fishnchips

Notable: When the dust finally cleared Saturday night, Mike T, Nick G, Jeff R, "Buffalo" Bill B, Anita G, Jim H, Jason Tr. and Eric Wej. secured the top 8 spots in the standings along with the 8 guaranteed seats in this season's championship event. Congratulations to these players on a season well played!
Matt Pe. and Angie S. were both in the top 8 going into Saturday night's event however fell into qualifier positions at the conclusion of the tournament. Matt missed the event and earned no points while Angie finished 7th for 3.26 points which unfortunately wasn't enough. The qualifier will include Angie S, Matt Pe, Kevin An, Jim S, Keith K, John M, Jim O, Pat M. and Lolly O.
In by the skin of his chinny, chin, chin: Eric Wej. securing the 8th and final guaranteed spot in the championship event ultimately came down to where Kevin An. finished Saturday night. Had Kevin won the event, Eric would have been qualifier bound and Kevin would have taken the 8th seat. Unfortunately for Kevin, he finished 2nd and this gave Eric the seat instead.
~Jason Tr.
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