- Kevin An. 24,200
- Pat M. 25,900
- Lolly O. 24,900
- Chris S. 24,400
- Anita G. 26,100
- Bill B. 23,800
- Sean O. 26,100
- Jim O. 25,300
- Angie S. 24,800
Kevin An. Eliminated in 9th Place
Last season's Championship Qualifier winner Kevin An. was up and down through the first blind level and got it all in after flopping 2 pair. Unfortunately for Kevin, he got a caller in Jim O. who flopped a set of 4's which proved to be the winner.
Anita Scoops Huge Pot
Anita and Jim O. exchanged huge bets and calls all the way down to the river on a board of Qh-10h-3s-Jd-9d with blinds at 1k-2k. Anita revealed Q-J for 2 pair whilst Jim turned over A-J for a pair of jacks. Anita scooped the 20k pot.
Chris S. Eliminated in 8th Place
Chris moved in his last 11.2k with A-Q. Pat called with pocket 4's. The board brought no help for Chris and he was sent to the rail in 8th place.
Sean O. Crippled By Angie's Rivered Wheel
With blinds still at 1k-2k, Sean is reduced to just a few thousand chips when his pocket 5's succumb to Angie's 2nd rivered wheel straight of the night.
Sean Survives
Blinds are still 1k-2k and Sean is all-in PF for 3,800. He is called by Lolly who shows A-Q. Sean reveals A-K which holds up.
Sean O. Eliminated in 7th Place
Shortly after his double-up, Sean is all-in for 6,800 in middle position after waking up with pocket queens. It's folded to Pat in the BB who mulls it over for a moment before calling for 4,800 more and turning over 9-10. Sean leads on the rag flop, however in sickening fashion, a running 9 and 10 on the turn and river give Pat 2 pair and seals Sean's fate who is out in 7th place.
Lolly O. Eliminated in 6th Place
On a short stack of 3,800, Lolly moved it in with blinds at 1.2k-2.4k and gets calls from Bill, Angie and Pat. All players check it to the river on the 4s-5d-4d-As-Kh board where Pat bets 6k and Bill promptly folds. Angie calls and flips over A-Q. Pat and Lolly muck and Angie takes the pot.
Bill, Anita & Jim's Chip Stacks Grow
Between playing a few hands at the cash table on scheduled breaks, "Buffalo" Bill slowly but surely builds his chip stack. So does Anita and Jim O. With blinds at 1,600-3,200, the 3 players hold a majority of the chips in play.
Pat "Ninja" M. Eliminated in 5th Place
Despite being pumped up earlier in the tournament, Pat "Ninja" M. found himself short stacked on a board of 2c-9c-Kc-Jc with top pair and a weak kicker. He pulled the trigger on the Jc turn for his last 13.8k and was called by Anita who also had a king but with a slightly better kicker. But it didn't matter as the 3c river gave Anita a king-high flush and sent Pat away in 5th place.
Jim O. Eliminated in 4th Place
With blinds at 1,600-3,200, Jim O. made his move on the Kc-Qc-8s flop with Kd-6d for 30k. "Buffalo" Bill insta-calls and shows Kh-Qs for top 2 pair. The 5d turn and 2s river bring no help for Jim who finds himself eliminated in 4th place.
Angie S. Eliminated in 3rd Place
Angie managed to survive elimination twice in the tournament on the river and in the process built up her chip stack to establish some fold equity against her opponents. But over the course of several hands, she found herself card dead and retreating to the raises of the opposition. With blinds at 1,600-3,200, she faced a raise to 8k by "Buffalo" Bill. She raised all-in for 25k more with Ah-8s and was called by Bill who revealed As-10s. The 7c-9s-4c-Jc-2c brought her kicker trouble and she was out in 3rd place.
Hour and Fourty Five Minute Head's-Up Match Begins
Head's-up play between Bill and Anita began with 15:41 remaining in level 11 (2k-4k) and with Bill holding a 2-1 chip lead over his opponent. Bill had approximately 150k to Anita's 75k. Both players battled back and forth. Bill had Anita down to under 30k twice, but in each instance, Anita managed to double-up and regain life. In several consecutive hands, the player in the SB would fold or the BB would raise the call of the SB and the SB would promptly fold or vice versa. Just when Anita appeared to be on the brink of elimination, she would get Bill to fold and gain much needed chips. This continued until blinds reached a staggering 6k-12k.
Anita G. Eliminated in 2nd Place On the final hand of the tournament, and with only 44 seconds left in the 6k-12k blind level, Anita was all-in for just under 30k after hitting top pair on a 5h-4c-Jd flop holding the Js-9s. Bill quickly called and revealed the 4h-5s for a flopped 2 pair. The Kh turn and 2c river brought no help for Anita and she was out.

With his win, Bill earns the 9th and final seat in this season's Championship event. Ironically, Bill didn't qualify for the Qualifier. Due to vacationing out of state, last season's POTY Mike T. had to withdraw from the tournament. Bill was next in the standings and accepted the invite. This is one invite Bill would not regret.

~Jason Tr.
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