Event #9 proved to be the longest tournament of the season lasting just under 8 hours. This was a new, unproven structure which included a rebuy and an optional add-on in chip's at the first break. The tournament got under way just after 7 P.M. with 15 players however 20 players RSVP'ed. A late cancellation, 30 minutes and a NCNS later, the field steadied at 18 players, 15 of which purchased the add-on at the first break.
John M. was the first player officially eliminated from the tournament 3 hours into the event which also broke a FNCPT record as longest time elapsed for the first elimination. Jim H. followed a short time later when his Q-J was smoked by newcomer Steve G's A-K. Jeff R. was the next casualty after being crippled when his pocket king's were out-flopped by Mike T's pocket queen's with a Q-5-5 flop. A few hands later Jeff was sent packing when his A-5 was bettered by Angie's J-10. Lolly O. was next followed by Eric Wej. when his A-Q was defeated by Nick G's pocket kings. Ironically, a few hands earlier, Nick crippled Sean O. when his AQ hit the board to better Sean's KK. After taking Eric out, Nick then took out Sean in 13th.
Buffalo Bill was eliminated in 12th place when he pushed all-in short stacked (6-handed) and was re-raised all-in by Jason Tr. Keith K. called Jason's all-in and flipped over pocket kings. Buffalo Bill showed pocket 6's and Jason rolled over A-K. Jason rivered an ace for the best 2 pair (aces and 8's) and took down the large pot.
Anita G. was the next player out after calling her father Jim's 6-3 suited flush with pocket queens. Mike T. subsequently eliminated Anita (super short stacked) in 11th place. Keith K. was the 10th player eliminated thus forming the final table.
Jim O. was out 9th after blinds and antes continued to eat up his short stack and his A-10 all-in was defeated by A-K. Nick G. was the 8th player eliminated from the tournament after losing a few big pots, pushing with pocket 3's and being defeated by Angie S's straight. Nick was the only player in the tournament who was eliminated, rebought, purchased an add-on and was once again eliminated.
Jason Tr. was eliminated in 7th when he moved in short stacked in early position with K-10 o/s and was called by Jim S's pocket rocket's. Steve G. was eliminated next followed by Jim S. who bubbled for the second time this season.
4 handed play included Mike T, Pat M, Angie S. and Kyle H. Kyle was the first player eliminated in the money when he limped on the button with pocket ace's hoping to induce a raise from one of the blinds which did not come. Mike T. flopped a king-high flush on the ensuing flop and sent Kyle to the rail in 4th place.
BSB play started a little over 7 hours into the tournament between Mike, Pat and Angie. Angie was eliminated in 3rd place on the button when Mike raised to 45,000 with blinds at 6,000-12,000 and a 500 ante. Angie subsequently pushed all-in for 90,000 total with Q-10 o/s and was quickly called by Mike's pocket 9's which held up.
Mike took a 5 to 1 chip lead into heads-up play against Pat who battled back and forth for roughly 20 minutes before all the chips went into the middle preflop. Pat lead by flopping 2 pair (4's and 6's) on the 6h-4h-6s flop. The 2h turn helped neither player however the 3c river made Mike a straight and gave him his second FNCPT win.

Complete results can be viewed at www.wedgerock.com/fishnchips.
Congrats once again to Mike T!

~Jason Tr.